Friday, March 19, 2010


Last weekend Kristen came home with that magic fun known only as the Bedazzler.  Apparently it just came to her in a brilliant vision at work, and she decided to stop at Wally World on the way home.  It seemed like a good idea at the time, and then we started using it.  Turns out the commercials make it look a lot more fun that it actually is.

 Don't get me wrong, the first half an hour was kind of funny.  We had to read the directions (sad), and then had fun looking through all of the ridiculous patterns that came with it.  Gammy bought a sweet visor that I chose to bedazzle, while she went for her Snuggie.  I chose to put a pimp cup on my visor, while Gammy decided to freestyle it. 

Loading those stupid little beads in that stupid little machine took forever, and half of the time they didn't fit!  Although it was a different way to waste a Friday night, I'm not sure if we'll be doing it again anytime soon.  If we do, there might have to be a lot more alcohol involved...

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